The driving force of this design is the formation of the intersection between two elements of a drastically different nature. When a soft, light, and calm space collides with a hard, sharp, and rebellious space, a new space is formed in the intersection. The new space is devoid and hollow, and evolves as symbol of creation. This design focuses on fire and water elements; soft and transparent space is a sign of water, while the solid and sharp space is one fire. I chose a transparent element (glass) and a solid element (concrete) in my design process and embraced these materials throughout the project. The collision of glass and concrete on the interior and exterior of the museum/fire station. presents a fracture in middle of building to create a devoid space. Glass, symbolizing water, spans across the building for flow and unity, and the solid concrete element, symbolizing fire, is surrounded by the glass.
The empty space around both the fire and water offers itself as gallery space for the Museum. To increase communication between the building and the grounds, I expanded the outdoor to the indoor by locating the middle of the building between the calm platform exactly in front of the entrance area, and combining the stair connection at the fracture space. This area has a visual connection into the new fire station and can be part of the museum to showcase a practical experience of the fire station to passers-by. To increase communication between the building and the grounds, I expanded the outdoor to the indoor by locating the calm platform exactly in front of the entrance area, and combining the stair connection at the fracture space. This area has a visual connection into the new fire station and can be part of the museum to showcase a practical experience of the fire station to passers-by. The semi-open space at the void area in the middle of building is welcoming to those who want to linger and rest outside while being part of the museum and cafeteria, allowing the inside to blend with the outside. There are two different experiences at the office area; the first area is surrounded with solid element and the second with the transparent element, and the corridor area is located in between the two. An inner courtyard serving the office space allows for a visual connection to the upper level.